Saturday, October 21, 2017

Just Keep Swimming!

My boyfriend broke up with me. I won't talk about it in length, don't worry. :)

I was talking to my friend J – the only person I told about the break-up, and only because she was the only person to ask, haha – about the loneliness, and all this free time I suddenly have, and I mentioned how I was thinking of enrolling in some weekend classes to keep my mind busy.

In high school, I took up French language as an elective, and was lucky enough to be sent to Paris, France for a brief learning tour. My first course in university was BA in European Languages, with Russian as my major, minoring in French (don't question my life choices, lol). I did not finish that degree, switching out for an allied medical field (nursing and pharmacy, both of which I did finish).

J is learning Spanish on her own, which is all kinds of amazing, and she encouraged me to get back to learning languages again. I was actually thinking of basic mechanics thing or sewing, but she's made me realize I miss languages. I do not have the discipline for self-learning so I decided to look into non-degree language courses offered in the university close to my workplace (my very first university, as a matter of fact).

The good news is, they do offer them, 30 hours for each level. The not-good news is the class cycle is already underway and the next batch of classes would be on December or January. So J recommended that I sign up at Duolingo for now, a self-paced web resource for learning tons of new languages. I did, and have started with basics of Russian again.

People gym, I language. (After a heartbreak.)

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Dark Side of Crochet

Dramatic title for effect, lol. Maybe how crochet eats up yarn compared to knitting? XD

This is basically a post whining about crochet-related stuff I dislike, in no particular order:

Blocking. One of my WIPs is a skirt made up entirely of separate pieces, 16 pieces, in fact. It's driving me crazy figuring out how to get them all the same dimensions. I don't have any fancy stuff for blocking. I just bought a 10-pc set of those interlocking children's play mats and very ordinary pins. I'm thinking it's better to print a sort of guide but then I end up thinking of how exactly I can use it over and over, since I'm using wet blocking method (then drying it with my hair dryer, which is used for everything except actually drying hair, haha.) And the pins! They're ending up all decapitated, I'm running out fast.

Sewing. You know why I crochet? Because I cannot sew. I'm always sulky when I need to sew pieces together. I have lots of unfinished amigurumi, all parts completed except I lose all willpower when it's time to attach them. I power on with grim determination now that I'm mainly doing garments. But ugh, the pain and suffering every time.