Friday, September 28, 2018

Life Update

I actually forgot to update the last post, haha. I do plan to continue that, of course, especially since my hair has done a number of color transformations since then. :)

Romantic relationship-wise, I have gotten back together with my ex, after about half a year's separation? Anyway, some niggly wiggly squiggly feelings of uncertainty remain, but I'm dealing with them as they come. And by dealing I mean ignoring them, haha.

Travel stuff: my friends and I went to Taiwan! A blog post on our experiences there is in the works.

Crafty crafting: In stark contrast to last year's challenge of a project a month, I barely made anything at all this year. :( The good news is, the crochet bug has bitten me again! So late in the year, but at least there is itching for something to be made. Crochet crochet crochet!

Which reminds me, the lack of crafting might have to do with the spot of wrist pain I endured months back. I had to brace it for a week. Went to the doctor and as soon as she heard what my job was, concluded it to be carpal tunnel syndrome. I took her diagnosis with a grain of salt, as she did not even make me do wrist things lol. I thought if it did not go away, I'll get a referral for a specialist, but thankfully, it went away in a couple of weeks.

In connection with that, I have had so many health problems these past months. :( I haven't been seriously sick my whole life and never take any medications except for that UTI episode years back that now I think my body feels deprived haha and really determined to get as many antibiotics crammed down my throat.

(One of those episodes left a really, really ugly deep scar in my nose right between my eyes. They told me I should sport a black dragon tattoo on my arm and call myself Hiei, ahahaha.)

And that's it for the 'Hello, I'm alive' post.

Thursday, January 4, 2018


I don't really do much with my hair, just letting it grow and grow and grow. Usually. Every now and then, I just get tired of it all and do something different, maybe an out of the ordinary haircut or dyeing it a bright color or both.

I don't regret any of it, as I make sure I have the crazy done on hair I could cut off. Literally, haha. I get tired of the crazy, or want a change, and then I just tie my hair up and hack at it with my scissors, the one I use for crafting haha. I'd sport the hacked cut for a couple of days before finally giving up and having it fixed at whatever salon I happen to pass by at the time.

When my hair hits my shoulders is when I get frustrated at it. So a few years ago, I got the idea to have it permed so I would look like a hot mess instead of just a mess. Digiperm was the trend back then, at the phase of popularity where even small salons offer them.

I found a salon through Metrodeal offering digiperm for only Php 999.

TO BE CONTINUED (off to my next job huhu)